Thursday, August 13, 2009


New week new show! This time it's a special with some goldies from Holland! One of the more interesting scenes nowadays considering both Beats and Dubstep if you ask me (Jaywalk).

And next time we'll probably try to use a cd player that actually works, or maybe no cd player at all. We're getting confused with all this new technology...

Tracklist 20090811

1. Ghosthack - Protocol7 CDR

2. Pearson Sound - Gambetta (Soul Jazz) 12"

3. HXDB - Prism (Mindset) CDR

4. Lord Skywave - Something (This Is Music) 12"

5. Keaver & Brause - Airborn (Dealmaker) CDR

6. Bibio - Sugarette (Warp) 2LP

7. Dimlite - Ravemond's Young Problems (Rush Hour/Beat Dimensions) 12"

8. Clark - Outside Plume (Warp) 2LP

9. Arts The Beatdoctor ft. Pete Philly - The Anthem (Unexpected) 2LP

10. De Javaanse Jongens - Sun Tsu (Nod Navigators) 12"

11. Kenlo Cranques - Zoid (Rush Hour/Beat Dimensions) 12"

12. Bretzel Zoo - Don't let the rain come in your ass (Eat Concrete) 12"

13. 2562 - Next (Sub Solo) 12"

14. 2562 - Enforcers (Tectonic) 12"

15. Martyn - Vancouver (3024) 12"

16. Limewax & Current Value - Tempest (L/B Recordings) 12"

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